Acá les dejo la noticia que salió en el periódico El Alteño -obviamente de la ciudad de El Alto-, el día domingo 5 de octubre pasado. Si quieren leer la noticia en español hagan clic en la imagen. Más abajo la traducción de la misma al inglés.
Is the new Andean show
Jose Luis Castillejos / Notimex, especially for ABI
On weekends, when the sun burn up the horizon in Bolivia and refracts in the snowy Illimani, the "cholitas catchascanistas" delights the audience with wrestling matches at the highest arena in the world. Dressed in skirt (called locally “polleras”), blankets and fungus hats, women dressed in American history traits from the ring of wood, installed in this South American "Tibet", a little over four thousand meters above sea level.
They are dressed elegantly, with expensive hand-embroidered dresses that carried into the ring with panache, from where his flowery dress fly in the third rope to the floor and serve at times of "carpet" of the rival.
The pride of the cholita catchascanista "Carmen Rojas” bites the dust moments after walking nose-up very close to the galleries. Martha, "La Altena" "lies" of a chair hit in the head and the defeat in the afternoon hours of wrestling.
Her real name is Giovanna Huapañaco Silvia, a technical vocational teacher, 30 years old, who lost the papers when Martha, "La Altena" beated her with a chair on his head. She shouts, insults, but fails to change the ruling of the judges.
Moments earlier, in a corner of the square, Martha "La Altena," puts his hand on the floor of the ring and make the sign of croos before starting the wrestling, then forgets about God and dispatched several times to the floor to "Carmen Rojas ".
At the Coliseum Multifunctional "Heriberto Gutierrez" the spectacle of catch-as-can, an Andean-style wrestling where the population of mixed blood or mestizo features of Amerindians, is a delight. "This is the only case of female fighters in the world of wrestlers," said Carmen Rojas "shortly before her defeat that left her crying and with a limp at the finish by her beater "La Altena," a harsh and of round complexion white woman.
"In Bolivia there is a lot of racism, especially against the skirt of ladies (again polleras) who are discriminated against. We're Cholas and to protest the mistreatment we dress in this way to go out and fight," says this woman who wants to go to Mexico to do some wrestling.
She has four years of fighting. She started being a fan and then realized that she was reciprocated by the people. "I do not know how many victories or defeats I've had," says this short woman short of Achin eyes and braids, which is defined as "rude".
To enter the coliseum there is a long line and wait at least an hour. On one side there are Indians who sell peanuts (peanut), ice creams, masks or food down while one dominates the city of La Paz which is lying down on the radiant sun.
In a car with a big horn ate announced the fights of the day, then put background music to the voice of Vicente Fern ndez that desentona in this place with their song "Estos celos (These jealousies)" because there is a band with Andean music at 50 meter.
Despite the bright sun it's cold at this point where often freezes at night and the winds that cross the plateau crack the cheeks of children who wear their red or purple faces.
"Claudina, The Evil," Slips among the crowd. She belongs to the tough side and her name is Maria Eugenia Mamani Herrera, and although she has born in the city of La Paz comes to El Alto to continue a family tradition: wrestling.
She has 22 years, and she is dedicated, along with his sister Martha, "La Altena," to make clothing and masks fighters. She's following the career of law and said that wrestling has changed his lifestyle.
"The fact that now I'm recognized by people on the street has a very high price because I can not have a family, I can not marry, or have a life of my own. Men are scared of me," she said while releasing a burst of laughter.
Every week she is in the gym training and has had the experience of traveling all over the country and have traveled Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and also dreams of going to Mexico to face Mexican wrestlers.
This afternoon she had a bad streak because she was defeated by the "Prisoner Number 9", a tough man who massacred her, beated her, mounted on her, made her fly through the air, dragged and bended with several keys, but not before receiving a series of flying kicks.
His father is a retired wrestler and his two brothers also followed these steps. "I liked the wrestling since I was a girl and one day I decided to enter. "Why we women can't fight?” "The fight is not something born in one overnight, is something that requires sacrifyce," she says.
Martha, "La Altena," the name of fighter Jenny Mamani Herrera, a beautiful woman, high, nice, with blue eyes, brown hair painted with light streaks, she defines herself as a charming Chola, sexy and with good legs.
"I am happy to have made the decision to be a fighter. I have the affection of children, women wearing skirt (pollera) and the same men who come to see my legs," she adds.
She's a fashionist, like his sister "Claudina, The Evil" and she wants to have its own online brand and production of blouses and cholita clothes in general.
"I'm single and I have two girls. There is no man who is encouraged to be with me. In the fight I'm tough, but in real life I'm loving, tender," she adds with some flirtation.
"I use skirt (pollera) because I am from the skirt (pollera) class. I am a very charming, I love to paint, I have blue eyes, my eyes are natural," she insists, shortly before climbing into the ring.
When night fell and after a few victories or defeats of others, the fighters withdrew to their homes down the street or up, depending on the case while it is in their hearts of the shouting of the people from the gallery and the face of those cholitas who do not know how to yield.
Yo las conoci por un reportaje de la BBC, la neta si es de admirarse por que aparte de que no tienen ningun tipo de seguridad social que las ampare, muchos de sus movimientos basicos incluso estan mal ejecutados.
Ojala el espectaculo y el animo no decaiga pero asi mismo ojala su preparacion mejore.
Yo quiero una de esas cholitas (Sic)
Estoy seguro que tú estás más al tanto de los detalles técnicos, y tengo que creer en tu palabra. Aunque dicho sea de paso y como dice en algún lugar de la nota, aprendieron de los luchadores hombres, así que o estos son malos profes, o tampoco conocen bien los aspectos técnicos de la lucha.
Sobre la seguridad social, si escandaliza que ellas no tengan el mismo, pero ya ves ni siquiera el resto de la población (incluido yo) gozamos del mismo, nuestras empresas se atrasan con los pagos al sistema de seguro social, y mientras no se pongan al día, no hay atención... eso significa que si algo leve nos pasa, la empresa en la que trabajas te paga los gastos, pero Dios te libre de que algo SERIO te vaya a pasar... En fin ahí estamos, sobreviviendo.
¿Es que no has leído que esas cholitas pueden dejarte KO? ¿O es que te has cansado de tanto delirio?, ja, ja, ja... Salud Ché!
Dios santo, no puedo creer lo de las cholitas luchadoras! en fin, este mundo no termina de sorprender, no?
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