Monday, October 27, 2008


“Pocos tendrán la grandeza de cambiar la historia, pero cada uno de nosotros puede trabajar para cambiar una pequeña porción de los eventos… Cada vez que un hombre sostiene un ideal… envía adelante una pequeña onda de esperanza, y cruzando cada una la de un millón de diferentes centros de energía y atrevimiento, esas ondas construyen una corriente que puede barrer con las poderosas paredes de la opresión y resistencia”

"Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events...Each time a man stands up for an ideal...he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."

El 6 de junio de 1968, se apagaría la vida de quien muchos consideraban la última oportunidad de los EE.UU. de hallar verdadera grandeza.

On June 6, 1968, will die the life of who was considered by many the last chance for the U.S. to find true greatness.

Bobby, una película dirigida por Emilio Estevez, nos narra la vida de más de 20 personas, mientras se hospedan y trabajan en el Hotel Ambassador, en el día en que se desarrollaron las primarias en el estado de California. Un elenco variado con actores de categoría A y B (Emilio Estevez, Laurence Fishburne, Heather Graham., Anthony Hopkins, Helen Hunt, Joshua Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, William H Macy entre otros), componen un mosaico variado, cuyo único fin es el de darnos un repaso a esa era que prometía darnos tantos cambios, y que fuera acallada con los disparos de Sirham Sirham.

Bobby, a film directed by Emilio Estevez, tells the lives of more than 20 people, as guests or workers of the Ambassador Hotel, on the day in which the primary elections unfold in the state of California. A varied cast of listed A and B players (Emilio Estevez, Laurence Fishburne, Heather Graham., Anthony Hopkins, Helen Hunt, Joshua Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, William H Macy among others), make up a diverse mosaic, whose sole purpose is to give us a look to an era that promised us so many changes, and that was silenced with the shooting of Sirham Sirham.

Vemos en esta cinta un conglomerado de historias unas más desarrolladas que otras acerca del variopinto espectro social, racial y económico de la época. Están presentes las inquietudes acerca de la guerra de Vietnam, la muerte de Martin Luther King Jr., acerca de los derechos civiles, la experimentación con drogas, los cambios que generan angustia, y por sobre todo subsiste el hecho de que todavía hay esperanza…

We see in this film a cluster of stories one more developed than others about diverse spectrum of social, racial and economic context of the era. They are mindful of the concerns about the war in Vietnam, the death of Martin Luther King Jr. About civil rights, experimentation with drugs, changes that generate anxiety, and above all the fact remains that there is still hope ...

Esta película me gustó mucho porque capta perfectamente la era (salvo uno que otro anacronismo), tiene una banda musical que es también reflejo de la época, y vemos a varios personajes –unos más agradables que otros-, quienes poco a poco irán formando un universo particular que conocerá de cerca la tragedia de perder a una gran promesa de la política.

I liked this movie because it captures perfectly the era (except for one or two anachronism), it has a soundtrack that is also a reflection of the times, and we see several characters, some more pleasant than others, who will gradually forming a particular universe that will know closely about the tragedy of losing a great promise of politics.

Emilio Estevez ha sabido manejar a todo un conjunto de actores y actrices, que me han mostrado una vez más que en el Norte también se hace cine de calidad de vez en cuando, aparte de los consabidos algodones de azúcar y demás confitados que Hollywood lanza cada verano. En fin una película que me hizo pensar y reflexionar acerca del rumbo que han tomado las cosas, máxime cuando los actuales candidatos a la Casa Blanca, no poseen siquiera un mínimo porcentaje del carisma que por ese entonces despertaba Bobby no solo a nivel local, sino también a nivel mundial. Recuerdo claramente a mis padres llorando cuando se enteraron de su muerte.

Emilio Estevez has been able to handle a whole range of actors and actresses, I have shown once again that the North also makes quality films from time to time, apart from the proverbial cotton and sugar candies that Hollywood launches each summer. Finally a movie that made me think and reflect on the direction that things have taken, especially when the current candidates for the White House, do not possess even a minimum percentage of the charisma that Bobby awakened then, not only locally but also worldwide. I recall clearly my parents crying when they learned of his death.

Acertadamente, Estevez, eligió mostrar film de archivo del Bobby de carne y hueso para hacer su presencia en el filme a la vez que real, también un tanto etérea. Por sobre todo usó audio de sus discursos, para marcar pauta a través del film. El discurso de Bobby que se oye al final, es uno que parece haber sido escrito y pensado para los días de hoy, y es algo que me ha sorprendido, porque se tiene la sensación de que hubiera sido escrito tan solo ayer. En fin, una cinta que me causa, ambos nostalgia y dolor, nostalgia por retrotraer a mi pensamiento un época ahora ida para siempre, y dolor, por las oportunidades perdidas y tragedias que sucedieron en el emblemático año de 1968.

Wisely, Estevez chose to show the film archive in which a Bobby of flesh and blood makes a presence in the film as well as real, a bit too ethereal. Above all used audio of his speeches, to dial tone through the film. Bobby's speech that is heard at the end, is one that seems to have been written and designed for today, and it is something that has surprised me, because it has the feeling that had been written only yesterday. In the end, a film that causes me, both nostalgia and pain, nostalgia for my thoughts back to an era now gone forever, and pain, of missed opportunities and tragedies that happened in the flagship year of 1968.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

PD Te amo (PS I Love You)

Esta cinta comienza con la pareja protagónica discutiendo sobre el hecho de tener o no hijos en las circunstancias que según Holly (Hillary Swank), no son las ideales, mientras su esposo Gerry (Gerard Butler), trata de capear el temporal marital lo mejor posible. A Holly, le disgusta en especial que su esposo haya comentado el asunto frente a su madre, la misma que según ella, desaprueba la forma en que Holly está conduciendo su vida.

The film begins with the protagonic couple arguing about having children or not, on the circumstances that acording Holly (Hillary Swank), are not the ideal, while her husband Gerry (Gerard Butler), tries to bear the marital storm as best as he can. Holly dislikes especially that her husband have discussed the matter in front of his mother, the same who according to her, disapprove of the way in which Holly is leading her life.

Gerry está tratando de salir adelante con una reciente empresa de limosinas, en sociedad con su amigo John (James Marsters); mientras que Holly deambula de trabajo en trabajo, sintiendo que todavía no halla el ideal, y sintiendo a la vez que no es el momento adecuado para tener hijos.

Gerry is trying to cope with a recent company of limousines, in partnership with his friend John (James Marsters), while Holly wanders from one job to another, feeling that she has not yet found the ideal one, and feeling at the time that is not the right moment to have children.

Un corte de escena, y nos encontramos con Holly, rodeada de amigos y familiares en el funeral de Gerry, quien acaba de morir, (de cáncer como nos enteramos luego). Como es de suponer luego del funeral Holly se sume en una depresión profunda, y sin embargo cuando sus amigos y su madre llegan a su casa para celebrar su cumpleaños, se encuentran con el apartamento en pésimas condiciones. Sin embargo una sorpresa aguarda a Holly y a sus conocidos, Gerry ha dispuesto todo para que después de su muerte, una serie de mensajes le vayan llegando, para ayudarla a superar la depresión.

A cut of scene, and we met Holly, surrounded by friends and relatives at the funeral of Gerry, who has just died (of cancer as we learned later). As might be expected after the funeral Holly falls in a deep depression, yet when his friends and his mother come to his house to celebrate her birthday, they find an apartment in appalling conditions. But a surprise is in store for Holly and their acquaintances, Gerry has arranged everything so after his death, a series of messages will come, to help her to overcome depression.

De ese modo Holly irá recibiendo los mensajes que le dejara su esposo muerto, los mismos que poco a poco, le irán ayudando a transformar y superar su dolor, y le harán más fácil la transición a la vida sin su esposo.

Thus Holly will receive the messages that left her dead husband, the same that will come little by little, they will help to transform and overcome their pain, and they will make it easier her transition to life without her husband.

Debo decir que este es un filme del que no esperaba mucho, y me animé a verlo solo a causa de Gerard Butler (300), pero luego de verlo, quedé gratamente sorprendido, porque pude ver un filme que sale un poco de los moldes de la comedia romántica, de hecho creo que es más una “dramedia”, que otra cosa. La química actoral de Gerard Butler y Hillary Swank, es algo que trasciende la pantalla, y uno se deja envolver por el drama de Holly y su camino de regreso a la vida.

I must say that this is a film that's with lower expectations on my part, and I am encouraged to watch it just because of Gerard Butler (300), but after seeing it, I was pleasantly surprised, because I could see a film that aparts itself a little from the molds of the romantic comedy, in fact I think it is more a "dramedy" than otherwise. The acting chemistry of Gerard Butler and Hillary Swank, is something that transcends the screen, and one is swept by the drama of Holly and his way back to life.

Holly es secundada en este viaje por sus dos amigas, Denise (Lisa Kudrow) y Sharon (Gina Gershon), quienes la acompañan en un viaje de regreso a Irlanda, hogar de Gerry, y donde Holly acabará finalmente por reencontrarse, antes de regresar a su hogar y a retomar el control de su vida.

Holly is supported on this trip by his two friends, Denise (Lisa Kudrow) and Sharon (Gina Gershon) who accompany her on a return trip to Ireland, home of Gerry, and where Holly eventually end up founding herself, before returning to home and to regain the control of her life.

Mención aparte merecen Daniel (Harry Connick) quien pretenderá ser el “sucesor” de Gerry, y William (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), un irlandés al que Holly conocerá en su viaje a Irlanda, ambos forman parte, aunque de distinta forma, en el camino de regreso de Holly a la normalidad.

Special mention deserves Daniel (Harry Connick) who claims to be the "successor" of Gerry and William (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), an Irishman to whom Holly will meet on his trip to Ireland, both took part, though differently, on the Holly’s road back to normal.

El tema de superar la pérdida de un ser querido aunque universal, es muy raramente tocado en el cine, y me alegra haber podido presenciar por esta vez una cinta que sólo por ese motivo vale la pena ver. Ah, me olvidaba, Patricia (Kathy Bates), la madre de Holly, también juega un papel muy interesante y la escena final que comparte con su hija cerca al final de la película, para mí fue como la guinda que corona el pastel.

The theme of overcoming the loss of a loved one even universal, is very rarely treated on the films, and I am glad to have witnessed this timea film that only for that reason it's worth seeing. Ah, I forgot, Patricia (Kathy Bates), Holly's mother, also plays a very interesting part and the final scene she shares with her daughter near the end of the film, for me it was like the icing on the cake.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Las cholitas luchadoras (Cholitas fighters)

Acá les dejo la noticia que salió en el periódico El Alteño -obviamente de la ciudad de El Alto-, el día domingo 5 de octubre pasado. Si quieren leer la noticia en español hagan clic en la imagen. Más abajo la traducción de la misma al inglés.

Is the new Andean show


Jose Luis Castillejos / Notimex, especially for ABI

On weekends, when the sun burn up the horizon in Bolivia and refracts in the snowy Illimani, the "cholitas catchascanistas" delights the audience with wrestling matches at the highest arena in the world.
Dressed in skirt (called locally “polleras”), blankets and fungus hats, women dressed in American history traits from the ring of wood, installed in this South American "Tibet", a little over four thousand meters above sea level.

They are dressed elegantly, with expensive hand-embroidered dresses that carried into the ring with panache, from where his flowery dress fly in the third rope to the floor and serve at times of "carpet" of the rival.

The pride of the cholita catchascanista "Carmen Rojas” bites the dust moments after walking nose-up very close to the galleries.
Martha, "La Altena" "lies" of a chair hit in the head and the defeat in the afternoon hours of wrestling.

Her real name is Giovanna Huapañaco Silvia, a technical vocational teacher, 30 years old, who lost the papers when Martha, "La Altena" beated her with a chair on his head. She shouts, insults, but fails to change the ruling of the judges.

Moments earlier, in a corner of the square, Martha "La Altena," puts his hand on the floor of the ring and make the sign of croos before starting the wrestling, then forgets about God and dispatched several times to the floor to "Carmen Rojas ".

At the Coliseum Multifunctional "Heriberto Gutierrez" the spectacle of catch-as-can, an Andean-style wrestling where the population of mixed blood or mestizo features of Amerindians, is a delight.
"This is the only case of female fighters in the world of wrestlers," said Carmen Rojas "shortly before her defeat that left her crying and with a limp at the finish by her beater "La Altena," a harsh and of round complexion white woman.

"In Bolivia there is a lot of racism, especially against the skirt of ladies (again polleras) who are discriminated against. We're Cholas and to protest the mistreatment we dress in this way to go out and fight," says this woman who wants to go to Mexico to do some wrestling.

She has four years of fighting. She started being a fan and then realized that she was reciprocated by the people. "I do not know how many victories or defeats I've had," says this short woman short of Achin eyes and braids, which is defined as "rude".

To enter the coliseum there is a long line and wait at least an hour. On one side there are Indians who sell peanuts (peanut), ice creams, masks or food down while one dominates the city of La Paz which is lying down on the radiant sun.

In a car with a big horn ate announced the fights of the day, then put background music to the voice of Vicente Fern ndez that desentona in this place with their song "Estos celos (These jealousies)" because there is a band with Andean music at 50 meter.

Despite the bright sun it's cold at this point where often freezes at night and the winds that cross the plateau crack the cheeks of children who wear their red or purple faces.

"Claudina, The Evil," Slips among the crowd. She belongs to the tough side and her name is Maria Eugenia Mamani Herrera, and although she has born in the city of La Paz comes to El Alto to continue a family tradition: wrestling.

She has 22 years, and she is dedicated, along with his sister Martha, "La Altena," to make clothing and masks fighters. She's following the career of law and said that wrestling has changed his lifestyle.

"The fact that now I'm recognized by people on the street has a very high price because I can not have a family, I can not marry, or have a life of my own. Men are scared of me," she said while releasing a burst of laughter.

Every week she is in the gym training and has had the experience of traveling all over the country and have traveled Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and also dreams of going to Mexico to face Mexican wrestlers.

This afternoon she had a bad streak because she was defeated by the "Prisoner Number 9", a tough man who massacred her, beated her, mounted on her, made her fly through the air, dragged and bended with several keys, but not before receiving a series of flying kicks.

His father is a retired wrestler and his two brothers also followed these steps. "I liked the wrestling since I was a girl and one day I decided to enter. "Why we women can't fight?” "The fight is not something born in one overnight, is something that requires sacrifyce," she says.

Martha, "La Altena," the name of fighter Jenny Mamani Herrera, a beautiful woman, high, nice, with blue eyes, brown hair painted with light streaks, she defines herself as a charming Chola, sexy and with good legs.

"I am happy to have made the decision to be a fighter. I have the affection of children, women wearing skirt (pollera) and the same men who come to see my legs," she adds.

She's a fashionist, like his sister "Claudina, The Evil" and she wants to have its own online brand and production of blouses and cholita clothes in general.

"I'm single and I have two girls. There is no man who is encouraged to be with me. In the fight I'm tough, but in real life I'm loving, tender," she adds with some flirtation.

"I use skirt (pollera) because I am from the skirt (pollera) class. I am a very charming, I love to paint, I have blue eyes, my eyes are natural," she insists, shortly before climbing into the ring.

When night fell and after a few victories or defeats of others, the fighters withdrew to their homes down the street or up, depending on the case while it is in their hearts of the shouting of the people from the gallery and the face of those cholitas who do not know how to yield.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Las palabras fugitivas (The fugitive words)

Imagen creada en

Estoy en busca de las palabras precisas, exactas y apropiadas para poder expresar lo que siento.
I am in search of precise words, accurate and appropriate in order to express what I feel.

Pero las palabras fugitivas huyen de mi mente dejándome mudo e incomunicado.
But the fugitive words keep fleeing from my mind leaving me silent and solitary.

Se escapan, se alejan, sin remedio e inexorablemente me condenan al silencio y al ostracismo.
They escape, they move away, with no cure and relentlessly condemning me to silence and left me ostracized.

Quiero decir, expresar lo que siento, compartir mis penas, escupir mis enojos, y proclamar mis amores.
I want to say, to express what I feel, to share my sorrow, spit out my anger, and proclaim my love.

Las malvadas se mofan, se burlan y jactan de estar cerca y sin embargo ser inalcanzables.
The evil words are scoffing, mocking and boasting of being close, yet at the same time being unattainable.

La lucha no es por atraparlas una por una, no. La pelea, es por ponerlas una detrás de otra.
The fight is not to grab them by one by one, no. The fight is by putting them one after another.

Sigo intentando, tratando, probando hasta que finalmente lo pueda conseguir.
I keep testing, trying until finally I can achieve it.

Porque tienen la magia de la creación y a la vez el poder de la destrucción.
Because they have the magic of creation and yet the power of destruction.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Una canción, dos versiones Vol. 7 (One Song, Two Versions Vol 7)

En esta ocasión quiero aprovechar mi mes aniversario para incluir en el blog y por supuesto compartir con ustedes una de mis canciones favoritas de todos los tiempos. Titulada inicialmente "In Other Words" (En otras palabras), la canción de Bart Howard, llegaría luego a tomar su nombre de la primera estrofa de la canción y se convirtió en "Fly Me To The Moon" (Vuélame a la luna).

On this occasion I would like to take my anniversary month to include on this blog and of course to share with you one of my favorite songs of all time. Originally titled "In Other Words", the song of Bart Howard, would then take their name from the first verse of the song and became "Fly Me To The Moon".

La primera versión es la del legendario Frank Sinatra y es una de las versiones más conocidas y aceptadas de la canción, aunque no la primera. La segunda versión corresponde a la artista de jazz, la inimitable Diana Krall, sin más que decir, solo resta que disfruten de anbas versiones...

The first version is from the legendary Frank Sinatra and is one of the best known and accepted versions of the song, though not the first. The second version is from the jazz artist, the unique Diana Krall, with no more to say, only rests that you enjoy both versions ...

Imagen tomada de aquí
Image taken from here

Aquí la versión de Sinatra

Here the Sinatra version

Imagen tomada de aquí
Image taken from here

Aquí la versión de la Krall

Here the Krall version


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